Become A Member...
Membership in the Din & Tonics Alumni Foundation is free for all former members of the group. Officially registering as a member on this site will give you access to The Dins Alumni Directory and enable the group to receive updates on your contact information from you in real time, keeping everyone connected.
How to Register as a Member:
- If you have a post.harvard account and have previously received mail or email from The Dins, you are likely already a member in our system. To access the Alumni Directory, you must first sign in (on the Alumni Directory page or in the upper right-hand corner of any page) with your post.harvard ID and password.
- If you don't have a post.harvard account (either because you have not signed up for one, or because you did not attend Harvard University), or you have already tried that and it didn't work, you can sign up right here by selecting the free Din & Tonics Alumni Foundation option at the bottom of this page and clicking 'Continue.'
Whenever your mailing or email address changes, please take the brief moment necessary to sign in to our website and update your contact information under 'My Account.' A link to you 'My Account' page will appear in the upper right-hand corner of any page after you sign in.
The ablility to update your contact information in this way represents a crucial step forward for The Dins and ensures that Din alumni can stay connected to the group and each other after graduation.